Where Recovery Becomes Reality
The moving force behind Progress Valley is to help people help themselves. When you seek wellness, we’ll provide the tools you need to get there. Whether you are struggling with drug or alcohol use or mental health issues, we are here for you — with a full continuum of care.
Progress Valley provides integrated, comprehensive services. We use evidence-based best practices to treat substance use problems and mental health issues. We have many dually trained counselors who are experts in treating stand-alone addiction or mental health concerns, as well as co-occurring disorders. Here are the services we offer:
Substance Use
Drug and Alcohol Assessments
Mixed-Gender Residential Treatment
Outpatient Services
Intensive Outpatient Treatment with Lodging
Housing Program
Mental Health Clinic
Mental Health Clinic Referrals
Outpatient Therapy
Every person’s situation is unique. And that’s why we create individualized treatment and recovery plans. We work side by side with you to set and achieve your goals … like staying motivated to live free of substances or restoring your relationship with your family.
Recovery begins with personal accountability and responsibility for yourself. Your care team at Progress Valley will help you foster opportunities for personal change and growth. And we will help you build a strong foundation for recovery, wellness and fulfillment.
Looking for a Place to Learn and Heal?
Contact Progress Valley’s Central Access Team. Counselors are ready to hear your concerns and help you determine the next steps in your journey to wellness.