Here are some common questions about residential treatment for substance use at Progress Valley. If you have other questions, call or email us! Our Central Access Team is ready to listen.

What is a day in treatment like?

Residential services are an intensive level of care. You will have a high degree of support and structure. Programming is from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., with a minimum of 30 hours of clinical services per week, per Minnesota statutory requirements for high intensity residential treatment. In addition to participating in structured groups and activities, you will have time for recreation, relaxation and socializing with peers.

Examples of treatment groups and topics include (but are not limited to):  psychoeducation, individual and group therapy, co-occurring disorders, recovery management, healthy living and eating, body image, living skills, families and relationships, therapeutic recreation, social support and fun.

How long do I stay in residential treatment?

Length of treatment varies, depending on your individual goals and clinical needs. If a third party (e.g., private insurance, state of Minnesota, etc.) is paying for your treatment, that payer also has guidelines for the number of treatment days.

Most stays in our residential program are from 45 to 90 days. Before the end of your stay, our team works with you to make a solid continuing care plan, with appropriate referrals and coordination.

What do I bring with me?

We have created a packing list to help you prepare for your stay. If you have questions about other items, contact our Central Access Team.

Do you allow visitors?

Yes! We have regularly scheduled visiting times at each location.

Can I attend appointments with other providers?

Yes. Appointments must be approved and coordinated with program staff. Typically, staff members provide transportation to and from appointments.

Can I work while I am in residential treatment?

No. Residential treatment is an intensive service that is like a full-time job. You will need to arrange with your employer to take a leave while you are in treatment.

Can I smoke or use other tobacco products?

Yes. You can use tobacco products only in designated outside locations. Tobacco use indoors is not allowed.

Can I have my cell phone?

Yes, but we ask that people do not use phones in groups or in ways that are disruptive to others in the community.

A Life Saved

“I will be celebrating my sixth year of sobriety thanks to Progress Valley. I am grateful for the program at Progress Valley. It truly saved my life.” — P.V. alum

African American woman and man working in kitchen

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Life can be hard, and the road ahead isn’t always clear. But you don’t have to walk it alone. Find your next step at Progress Valley. Contact one easy number, 952-956-3100, for new clients and existing clients scheduling their next appointment.

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Founded in 1972, Progress Valley is a Minneapolis-St. Paul area-based nonprofit provider of services for people with emotional and mental health challenges and/or substance use issues related to drugs or alcohol. Community members can find therapy and mental health counseling at our Bloomington Mental Health Clinic. Clients from all over Minnesota and the nation can find help with substance use challenges with us as well.


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